I sit here, staring at a word document that I have rewritten fourteen times after a single paragraph.
I look at anything I write, and realize, I do not have the energy to finish it, despite having an undercurrent of desire.
I have lost the zest for this. X-Men, and Marvel, have begun to frustrate me. I am weary of it. And I am weary of responsibility I took up because of the failings of administrators past, Kovu, and Biscuit, who both abandoned us wordlessly. Three friends of mine have failed in my position as well, Flam, Valkyrie, and ReyeJaye.
I do not have this under control.
As such, I must step down from the position of Administrator. It is the Western way to try and fail, but I have never adhered to Western doctrines, choosing instead to follow one that tells me never to extend myself when I know I will fail.
This may be a temporary malaise, or this may be an emptiness that will not pass. If anyone desires to attempt to run, they have my blessing, and I will promote their account to administrator accordingly.
In the meantime, I need a long time away from this setting. I have grown frustrated with it's hypocrisy, and it's rigidity. It makes too fine a mirror.